Welcome to our campaign web site. In the next several weeks we will be rebuilding kenhowlandforcongress.com to be my online headquarters. In the meantime, you can get involved in the campaign right away by contributing and volunteering.
Your support will be critical in this race!
It is Time for a Change!
Ken Howland - A Veteran, An Educator

* Campaign
  Finance Reform
* Medical
  Coverage Reform
* Secure Social
* Bring the
  Troops Home
* Education to
  Meet Global
* Tax Reform
* Work for All
* Fair Wages
* Investigating
  War Profiteering
* read more!

Contact Us:
215 East Lake Road
Port Byron, NY 13140
Phone: 315-776-8664
Cell: 315-430-4439

Privacy Policy

Ken Howland and his campaign staff value your privacy and security.  KenHowlandforCongress.com is also committed to the privacy of its users. If you have questions not covered in this privacy policy, please email info@kenhowland.com, or see our contact information for additional methods to reach the campaign.

Personal Information >

No personal information is collected when you visit this Web site unless you choose to provide that information. Email addresses are requested in multiple areas of the site - signing up for campaign updates, contributing to the campaign, and volunteering. Email addresses submitted in these areas are kept strictly confidential and are not sold or offered to third parties.
Name, address and telephone numbers are requested when volunteering for the campaign.
This information is kept confidential and is used to coordinate volunteer assignments.
When contributing to the campaign, some additional personal information is required, including name, address and phone number. If you are donating an amount larger than $200 in an election cycle, we are also required to collect your occupation and employer. This information is also kept confidential, except in cases where required by law to publicly report donations to the Federal Election Commission. If you choose to make a donation by credit card your credit card information is collected by VeriSign?? Payment Services through a 128-bit encrypted connection.  Please visit VeriSign for information about their data and security encryption methods.

Server Logs >

Server logs are used only to assess usage and optimize performance. Individual IP address are not retained for any other purpose.

Minors >

Children under 18 should consult a parent or guardian prior to submitting any personal information to the forms on the site.

List Removal >

If at any time you would like to be removed from our email lists, send an email message to the Webmaster with "Unsubscribe" in the subject, or contact the campaign via phone or
regular mail.

Outside Links >

This Web site has links to sites in New York and throughout the nation. KenHowlandforCongress.com is not responsible for the content of these sites.
Once you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of the new site.

Miscellaneous >

The campaign may modify or amend this statement in the future, to better protect your information. If there are material changes to this statement, we will prominently post such changes prior to implementing the change. Regardless of later updates, we will abide by the practices described in this statement at the time you provided us with your information.