Election Time!
It's almost time to vote but an alarming amount of Americans in this country have declined to participate in one of America's most basic traditions. We founded this country on a system where we elect officials through the people.

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Ken Howland is now supporting
Dan Maffei for Congress
Please visit their website and do
what you can to help bring this qualified
Democrat to Congress.

It is Time for a Change!
Ken Howland - A Veteran, An Educator

* Defense & 
  National Security
* Education to
  Meet Global
* Tax Reform
* Work for All
* Fair Wages
* Campaign
  Finance Reform
* Medical
  Coverage Reform
* Secure Social
* Investigating
  War Profiteering
* read more!

The 25th Congressional District and the nation needs candidates with military, medical and extensive educational experience, especially international education experience. Ken Howland is such a candidate. His unique experience qualifies him as the most experienced in areas where broad experience is necessary and is so lacking. 
First, never before has education, particularly science and international education been so necessary and important. Ken has
extensive experience in both areas. From beginnings as a genetics lecturer to high school biology students to recently becoming an adjunct lecturer on the Origin of the War in Iraq, Ken has learned to be innovative and creative.
Second, when the United States is in a war, candidates with experience in the military have something special to offer. While in the U.S. Army Medical Corps; usually, Ken did Medical Laboratory and Blood Bank work but during a March on Washington, he served briefly with the Military Police, a very different perspective. Such exposure to hands on experience will be invaluable in the event of future crises.
Third, we now have several thousand hospitalized veterans;
Ken is the only candidate with medical and hospital experience.
These traumatized and permanently disabled veterans will be with us for a long time; the initial indications of the potential effects of exposure to the use of Depleted Uranium in our warheads is ominous. Ken's major goal will be to assure that every Veteran has the best possible care and support in a timely manner.
Fourth, cancer afflicts so many today, and has been one of our most serious health challenges. We must continue the research into causes and treatment.Ken's early work experience has included cancer research.
Finally, and most importantly, Ken knows we must maintain the best defense and until we secure our borders we are not doing so. One of the fundamental rules taught in basic training is to secure the perimeter. Defense is the first responsibility of government; but, we must wage peace as well and devote more resources to that end.
Ken has studied the origin of war and prospects and methods of conflict resolution. Ken is devoted to this.

Ken has lived and worked throughout the 25th Congressional District; first, in Irondequoit, then in Camillus, Marcellus and Dewitt and finally in Conquest, Cayuga County in the center of the district. Ken's quest for education and understanding has taken him to Michigan, California, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Moscow, Athens, El Salvador, Chile and Miami. Ken is of Yankee, Dutch and German immigrant heritage.
Both grandfathers were skilled craftsmen and hit hard by the Great Depression; his father worked his way up in the Defense Industry. Ken worked his way through college and is the first to earn
a graduate degree in his family. Ken believes in hard work, education and just plain common sense that is bold when necessary and cautious when prudent. He is very spiritual and his values emanate what Ken believes the essential reality of most religion;
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Respect for others is essential.
Click Here to
learn more about Ken
Contact Us:
215 East Lake Road
Port Byron, NY 13140
Phone: 315-776-8664
Cell: 315-430-4439

Your contribution of any amount to Ken Howland
for Congress in 2006
will make a big difference.

Click here to Contribute!

Click Here to view recent Press Releases and Letters to the Editor


An American Vet Stands Up

“America’s Defense Must Always

“America’s Defense Depends on
Sound Industrial Strength!”

“Economically, when Outgo exceeds Income, Our Upkeep will lead to Our Downfall!”

Goals for Americans--
Education, Education, Education!

“Good Health Care means Less costly paperwork and
More availability!”

“Big Government Accountability Means
Taxes Fairly Collected and Effectively Spent!”

Ken Howland is now supporting Dan Maffei for Congress